Definitions for Murial Robertson

Did you happen to find a word or phrase that you did not understand the meaning of as you read one of Murial's adventures? It is most likely because that particular wordage was used more often in the 1880s than what it is in today's vocabulary. Because the intent of my novels is for the reader to enjoy them, not to be confused by them, I have a compilation of some of the terms and phrases, along with their definitions on this page.
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The Serpent's Star
Murial Robertson #1

Boot-Lick - One who cringes to and flatters a superior for the purpose of obtaining favors; a lickspittle, a toady. (used on page 10, 14)
Lunk-Head - A heavy, stupid fellow. (used on page 12)
To Wind Up - 1. To close up; to give a quietus to an antagonist in debate. Also, intransitively, to shut up; to stop business. 2. To "wind up his worsted" is to give the very last turn of which an undertaking is capable. (Used on page 11 in the first meaning)
Soft-horn - A weak, credulous person. (used on page 64)
Dirt - In California, "dirt" is the universal word to signify the substance dug, — earth, clay, gravel, or loose slate. The miners talk of rich dirt and poor dirt, and of stripping off so many feet of "top dirt" before getting to "pay dirt," the latter meaning dirt with so much gold in it that it will pay to dig it up and wash it. (used on page 70 as poor dirt, meaning lower than dirt itself)
The above definitions are based on the following public domain book, in the United States of America, and have not been altered in any way from their original publication:
Bartlett, John Russell. Dictionary of Americanisms: A Glossary of Words and Phrases Usually Regarded As Peculiar to The United States. Fourth Edition ed., Little, Brown and Company, 1877.
Angled for Revenge
Murial Robertson #2

Boot-Lick - One who cringes to and flatters a superior for the purpose of obtaining favors; a lickspittle, a toady. (used on page 10, 14)
Lunk-Head - A heavy, stupid fellow. (used on page 12)
To Wind Up - 1. To close up; to give a quietus to an antagonist in debate. Also, intransitively, to shut up; to stop business. 2. To "wind up his worsted" is to give the very last turn of which an undertaking is capable. (Used on page 11 in the first meaning)
Soft-horn - A weak, credulous person. (used on page 64)
Dirt - In California, "dirt" is the universal word to signify the substance dug, — earth, clay, gravel, or loose slate. The miners talk of rich dirt and poor dirt, and of stripping off so many feet of "top dirt" before getting to "pay dirt," the latter meaning dirt with so much gold in it that it will pay to dig it up and wash it. (used on page 70 as poor dirt, meaning lower than dirt itself)
The above definitions are based on the following public domain book, in the United States of America, and have not been altered in any way from their original publication:
Bartlett, John Russell. Dictionary of Americanisms: A Glossary of Words and Phrases Usually Regarded As Peculiar to The United States. Fourth Edition ed., Little, Brown and Company, 1877.
A Counterfeit of Death
Murial Robertson #3

A Funk - 1. Fear, or sensibility to fear; cowardice. 2. A coward. (used on page 4 in the second meaning)
Mulada - (Spanish) A drove of mules. (used on page 5)
Sorrel Top - A derisive appellation for a red-haired person. (used on page 11)
All-hollered - To beat one all- holler, or all hollow , is to beat him thoroughly. (used on page 15)
Monongahela - A river of Pennsylvania, so called , gave its name to the rye whiskey of which large quantities were produced in its neighborhood, and indeed to American whiskey in general, as distinguished from Usquebaugh and Inishowen, the Scotch and Irish. sorts. (used on page 16)
All Any More - A common expression in Pennsylvania among the illiterate to mean "all gone." Thus a servant will say, "The potatoes is all any more, i.e. are all gone; or she will say simply, "They's all." (used on page 50)
The above definitions are based on the following public domain book, in the United States of America, and have not been altered in any way from their original publication:
Bartlett, John Russell. Dictionary of Americanisms: A Glossary of Words and Phrases Usually Regarded As Peculiar to The United States. Fourth Edition ed., Little, Brown and Company, 1877.