Title: Knight of SpaceMedium: Mixed Media (paper, acrylic ink, ink, paint, etc.)Size: 11” x 14” framed, final size 12.5” by 15.5”Price: $195Attachment: Wire
What would it be like to play chess in space? For starters, I would think that all of the pieces, including the board, would float off in whichever direction the momentum was forcing them to go. So...this is the next best thing! Having an idea to combine two interesting subject matters for me personally, space and chess pieces, I took inspiration from an earlier sketch of mine to create this wonderful piece of art in need of a good home. Completed in a frame, this artwork is ready to take any boring wall and turn it into something great!
The frame does contain glass.
This shop does use ‘ugly’ boxes, or reused boxes, for shipping as a way to help reduce the clutter on this Earth.
Thanks for taking a gander at my shop and have a blessed day!
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