“Breathing dreams like air” - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
As our week in Arizona was ending, our last day of vacation was set to be in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The 2018 International Balloon Fiesta was starting and we wanted to catch the first morning of the festival before we came back to Pennsylvania. Boy, was that an experience. Getting up and leaving at 5 am to get stuck in traffic as we made our way to the park where all the balloons were waiting to show off their colors. I had forgotten to charge up the batteries to my camera the night before, so it went dead half way through the event, but that was okay. I was able to get a couple really nice shots in before it died and was able to enjoy the event the rest of the time. I really hope to get back down there again.

One of my favorite shots from the trip, this image was taken as the first balloon was going up to test out the air to give the go ahead for the rest of the field to follow. When they did, it was more impressive than I have ever imagined. Ever since I was in elementary school and heard about the festival through a project on New Mexico, I wanted to see it for myself. Living out a dream, well, it is better than words or images can describe. #lifeisadream

The plane ride home was bitter sweet, but I have learned one thing. Between desert and forest, I prefer living in deciduous forests. #goinghome